CHIRP Programming Reference
Jim Unroe - KC9HI
(send comments, suggestions or corrections to

Column Values Description/Comment Requires

Loc see comment This cell contains a fixed value (0-127) in each row representing each of the UV-5R's 128 channels

Frequency see comment Used for setting the receive (RX) frequency (MHz)

VHF: 136.000000 to 173.997500

UHF: 400.000000 to 519.997500

Name see comment Used for setting an optional alpha tag up to 7-characters

Alpha characters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Numeric digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + - = [ ] < > ? , . /

Tone Mode
Used for setting squelch using carrier squelch and/or CTCSS (aka PL) and/or DTS (aka DPL)

(none) No tones or codes are transmitted or received (default)

Tone The radio will use CTCSS for transmit. In this mode, the receiver is carrier squelch Tone

TSQL The radio will use CTCSS for transmit. In this mode, the receiver is CTCSS with the same value as the transmitter ToneSql

DTCS The radio will use DCS for transmit. In this mode, the receiver uses DCS with the same value as the transmitter DTCS Code and DTCS Pol

Cross The radio will use an asymmetric squelch configuration according to the value of 'Cross Mode' Cross Mode

Sets the transmit CTCSS frequency. Only used when enabled by other options

Sets the receive (and sometimes transmit) CTCSS frequency. Only used when enabled by other options [UV-5R bug: receive tone frequencies of 136.5 Hz and lower will always be skipped when scanning regardless of the Skip setting]

Sets the transmit DCS code. Only used when enabled by other options

DTCS Rx Code
Sets the receive (and sometimes transmit) DCS code. Only used when enabled by other options

Sets the DCS code polarity. Only used when enabled by other options

NN Transmit normal/Receive normal

RN Transmit reversed/Receive normal

NR Transmit normal/Receive reversed

RR Transmit reversed/Receive reversed

Cross Mode
Used for setting squelch using carrier squelch and/or CTCSS (aka PL) and/or DTS (aka DPL). Only used when enabled by other options Tone Mode=Cross

Tone->Tone The radio will use CTCSS for transmit and a different CTCSS for receive Tone (TX) and ToneSql (RX)

Tone->DTCS The radio will use CTCSS for transmit and DCS for receive Tone (TX), DTCS Rx Code (RX) and DTCS Pol

DTCS->Tone The radio will use DCS for transmit and CTCSS for receive DTCS Code (TX), DTCS Pol and ToneSql (RX)

->Tone The radio will not transmit CTCSS or DCS but will enable CTCSS for receive ToneSql (RX)

->DTCS The radio will not transmit CTCSS or DCS but will enable DCS for receive DTCS Rx Code (RX) and DTCS Pol

DTCS-> The radio will use DCS for transmit. In this mode, the receiver is carrier squelch DTCS Code (TX) and DTCS Pol

DTCS->DTCS The radio will use DCS for transmit and a different DCS for receive DTCS Code (TX), DTCS Rx Code (RX) and DTCS Pol

Used for determining the transmit (TX) frequency

(none) Simplex. Sets the transmit frequency to the same value as the receive frequency (aka simplex)

- Sets the transmit frequency lower than the receive frequency by the Offset amount (aka - duplex) Offset

+ Sets the transmit frequency higher than the receive frequency by the Offset amount (aka + duplex) Offset

split Sets the transmit frequency to the value in Offset (same value range as the receive frequency) Offset (entered as transmit frequency)

off Receive only (transmit inhibited).

Used for setting the transmit frequency difference (offset) from the receive frequency. When Duplex is set to 'split' this value is the actual transmit frequency

Sets the transmitter deviation and receiver IF bandwidth

FM 5KHz deviation (for Part 97 - Amateur Radio Service)

NFM 2.5KHz deviation (for Part 90 - Private Land Mobile Radio Services)

Sets the transmit output power level

High 4 watts

Low 1 watt

Sets the channel scan lockout

Scan channel in scanning mode

S Skip (lockout) channel in scanning mode